Serve – In the Church

Deacon and Elder Nominations for the Class of 2025
Members are invited to nominate church officers for the coming year, as well as nominating committee members. Forms are available in the worship bulletin each week during April or can be accessed online by clicking here.

Caregivers Ministry

Caregivers Ministry is a ministry to the church’s homebound–in and out-of-town members. We are also committed to caring for our member’s homebound family members. The care givers have a call and a commitment to caring for others. We basically commit to visiting with them once a month, keeping them in touch with the church, and sometimes providing a meal from the Comfort Kitchen. Once a month a “thinking of you” card is sent to our out-of-town care receivers.
This ministry enables the church to stay in touch with our congregation and to make sure no one in need is left out. Wonderful relationships have been formed between the care giver and the care receiver. The blessings go both ways.
If you or someone you know would benefit as a care receiver OR if you would like to join the ministry as a care giver, please notify Pat Weaver at 828-264-9316.

Coffee Ministry in the downstairs hall… 

Stop by and grab a cup on the way to Sunday School!

If you would like to be a part of this welcoming ministry that takes turns making coffee on Sunday mornings, contact Lynne@

Deacon Care Groups

In Acts 6:1-6, the Disciples of Christ were increasing, as were their responsibilities. Unintentionally, they found themselves ministering to the growing body of followers, and less to the teachings of Christ. Something had to be done. And so began the role of the Deacon in the early Christian church. They were care givers, and feeders of the body and the soul.

The Diaconate serves a number of purposes; however, the most important role is care giver to the people of our church. Our congregation is divided into Care Groups, led by a Deacon. Think of these groups as small families among a multitude of families; families that watch out for one another, supporting each other during crisis and celebration. The Deacons contact the people on their Care Groups on a regular basis to connect with them and also to give information about upcoming events at FPC.

Kids Ministry

Our growing children’s ministry invites you to join in the fun-filled blessings of nurturing our children.
Whether you serve on a planning or teaching team, volunteer at VBS, use your skills in artistic endeavors, or serve in any other of MANY positions occasionally, once a year, or every week, we want you to enjoy your time with us!
Please consider serving with us…
  • Children’s Ministry Planning Team meets to plan details of the children’s ministry.
  • FPC Kids Events or assist with special events for kids several times a year.
  • Sunday School Teacher / Assistant – Teach, substitute, or assist with children ages 2 -10 on Sunday mornings
  • REACH WEDNESDAY – Help with Wednesday activities for children ages 4 – 10 during the Fall and Winter/Spring semesters.
  • Children’s Church Teacher / Assistant – teach or assist with children ages 4 – 6 during Sunday Services.
  • VBS -helpers are needed to plan, teach, lead activities from crafts to snacks to games, etc, to lead small groups, to sign kids in, to make costumes and decorate, to PRAY, and so much more!
Please pray for God’s direction about how you can best serve our precious Disciples-in-Training!
Questions? Contact Erin Fowler, Director of Children’s Ministries at 828-264-3906.

Knarthex Knitters 

The Knarthex Knitters get together during REACH WEDNESDAY with a common bond… knitting and crocheting with a purpose… what results are relationships formed that continue to grow and many lives are touched by the fruit of their labor. 

Join us to knit or crochet prayer shawls for our members who need the warmth and comfort of knowing that their brothers and sisters in Christ care for them, pray for them, and give them a tangible gift of that love in concern for their illness or loss of a loved one.

Worship – Sundays 10:30am

CHANCEL CHOIR (practice Sundays after worship)
EXUBERANT BELLS (practice Wednesdays 6:00pm)
PRAISE BAND (practice Sundays 9am)