Becoming a Member

September 10 – October 8, 2023
Joining Sunday • October 15
DISCOVERY is an introductory class for friends desiring to join the church,
or are interested in learning more about First Presbyterian Church.
The class will be held at 9:30am on Sunday mornings.
If you are looking for a church home, we invite you to join us!
Childcare is provided.
Questions? Contact Steve Marks, Pastoral Associate, Adult Ed and Congregational Care
at 828-264-3906.
The “Discovery Class” is offered, in the spring and fall to give folks an opportunity to learn more about the Presbyterian faith and to personally get to know Pastor Jeff Smith. The class takes place during the Sunday School hour, 9:30 – 10:20am.
Exploring church membership is something most people take seriously. Whether you have recently moved and wish to “transfer” your membership, feel God’s nudge to connect during a particularly difficult or meaningful season of life, have a newly found passion for the Lord of life, or simply come out of curiosity to learn more about the Presbyterian faith, you are welcome!
Whatever your motivation you will find that our process prepares you not only for membership, but also for ministry. As members of the Body of Jesus Christ, we are all gifted and shaped for kingdom work that is unique to us. This class will help you identify those special gifts God has given you for His purpose.
What are the Benefits of Church Membership?
God has specifically given the church as a gift to his people – a place for belonging. The purpose of the church is to help followers of Christ in their journey through this life. This is God’s design, for us to have community and care for one another as we also seek to care for those beyond our church walls.
- Strength through Commitment. It is good to commit yourself to love and serve alongside others. Becoming a member of a church means joining other Christians who have covenanted (pledged / promised) to help care for you spiritually. The church family is committed to helping one another live a life for Jesus, through prayer, love, and service. It is this mutual commitment between members that forms the foundation for a strong church body.
- Personal Care and Counsel. Here at First Presbyterian Boone, each of our members is assigned a Deacon to help attend to any personal needs that may arise. Deacons are leaders in the church that assist in caring for the congregation. They pray with folks, make hospital visits, and provide spiritual loving support to our church families. Leaders are committed to serve and shepherd the flock, and that is difficult if you don’t know who is in the flock and who is not. Formally joining a church helps the Elders, Deacons, and Pastor give you proper pastoral care.
Practical Benefits of Church Membership:
- A Deacon is assigned to you and your family
- Voting privileges on church matters
- Access to the online Church Directory
- Weddings
- Funerals
- Baptisms
- App Faith Health Membership
- Enables you to serve as an Elder or Deacon
- You are personally reminded about upcoming events or changes in the church schedule (combined worship Sunday’s or inclement weather)