To see what’s going on with Hebron USA in Chiapas, Mexico, check out their facebook page:
Update from John Mills, president of the Board of Hebron USA…  08/29/20


     Seems like only a short time ago your mission committee was presenting info to you about our work in Chiapas and showing you pictures of our brothers and sisters there. However, that was six months ago and a lot has happened in all of our lives in that time. I would like to give you an update on what is happening with our Chiapan family.

     Pastor Pablo and his wife Jan have stayed healthy during this pandemic and have continued to serve their community with Pablo doing online worship each week and radio Bible studies. There have been several deaths from the virus among the pastors in the villages and many deaths in the community at large. They do not have the capacity to adequately test or treat for the disease.

     The clinic continues to operate half days by government edict and sees “ a few patients” each day. It is being run by a doctor and nurse.

     On a more positive note, the mission church, Nueva Vida, has broken ground on a new building that will house the congregation that we worship with when we are there on our mission trips.

     Please pray for Pablo and Jan and their family, for the work of the clinic Manos de Cristo and it’s providers, for the mission church Nueva Vida and it’s members.

Bill Herring
Mission Committee
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For over 12 years FPC Boone has worked in the area of Chiapas, Mexico under the guidance of the Tzeltal Synod of the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico. Our partners there, Pablo and Jan Cruz, have prepared us to work on a variety of projects: medical, construction, VBS opportunities, etc. One of the larger projects we have worked on and supported financially has been the construction of a medical clinic, Las Manos de Cristo (The Hands of Christ) in Ocosingo. After many years of prayer and work, the clinic was opened and was dedicated March 2, 2012. There are also other opportunities to serve in outer villages surrounding Chiapas.
To find out more about medical and construction mission trips in Chiapas go to:
To print a trip registration form, go to:
MEDICAL TRIPS cancelled since covid-19.

Cost is $500/week plus airline cost. Medical care provided will be Primary Care. Participants needed are physicians, nurses willing to evaluate patients, PAs, Nurse Practitioners, Spanish translators and non-medical worker bees.