Luke 14:1-35

March 9, 2018
Luke 14: 1-35
This chapter of Luke focuses on many aspects of being a disciple of Christ. Then, right at the end in verse 34, Jesus suddenly reminds us that salt is good. This statement seems to come a little out of the blue, but we know from other scripture, that Jesus uses salt as a metaphor for how we, as followers of His, should live in the world. Jesus has spent the rest of the chapter describing ways we can follow him and be like him. We can be humble. We can reach out to the outcasts in our society. We should put God ahead of everything else in our lives, including our families and ourselves, and be willing to pick up and carry our own crosses. In verse 35, Jesus goes on to warn us, if salt loses its “saltiness”-its purpose, its focus-it becomes useless. It no longer nourishes, protects, cleanses, enhances. We can retain our “saltiness” as Christians by continuing to focus on the Father and looking to our savior, Jesus Christ, for the perfect example. In chapter 14 He has given us some powerful instructions to take to heart as we strive to live Christ-like lives.
Devotion by Whitney Wallace
